
Fiver Fest


Fiver Fest is back!

For the third consecutive year, Fiver Fest is set to return to Frome’s streets on 22nd-24th October.

Part of the national Totally Locally campaign, Fiver Fest celebrates local businesses, often run by families or individuals, making a real contribution to our unique town.

2021 has continued to be a hugely challenging year for retailers and spending just £5 a week in local shops can have a big impact on our high streets, boosting the local economy, increasing employment and putting a smile on our shop keepers’ faces.

Explore shops you’ve never been into before and discover what makes Frome’s independents so special.


Pop over to for the full list of particpating venues and shops! 


At Millie Moon we are introducing our new felt craft kits!  Say hello to George the gingerbread man and our Christmas stocking. These kits are usually £7.50 but we will be selling them for £5 during fiver fest on 22 and 23rd October. (whilst stocks last)



Our felt kits contain everything you need, but you will just need to add a needle and some scissors.  Suitable for ages 7+ with adult supervision.

Other felt kits available in the range are £7.50

Local Teacher and Beach cleaner Claire talks Nurdles!

My name is Claire and I am a teacher, mum, beachcleaner and crafty mess maker!

I shared my Nurdle discovery 2 years ago with my class and with the help of my little Nurdle character we talked about ways we could tackle the problem. I realised that children will be the solution to the problems in our environment as they are so inspirational and indignant about what is happening, so Nurdle became a story I told, which became a book, which was crowdfunded during lockdown 1. I have now written 3 Nurdle books about the problems faced by our oceans and I would love to share them with as many children as I can


Nurdles are tiny pre production plastic pellets the size of a lentil that are melted down to make all our plastic products. In the uk alone up to 53 billion pellets enter the ocean every year. If you are heading to a beach this half term check along the tide line under the seaweed and you will probably find some. The are usually clear, but can be any colour and need to be removed as animals mistake them for food. I am on a mission to share the story of the Nurdles with as many people as possible, so with artist Jo Joof we have used plastics from my beach cleans to illustrate a book called Nurdle with accompanying Nurdle sewing kits. The book gently encourages children to think about their use of plastic and how they look after their things.




If you are heading to the beach this weekend maybe take a look and see how many Nurdles you find! If you feel inspired to do a beach clean, or collect nurdles, please wear gloves and wash your hands after. Keep the nurdles in a jam as sadly they cannot be recycled!

We can all do our bit to help the environment!!

For more information please go to


Books and kits available from Millie Moon click here 

Millie Moon Makes – Free tutorials – Felt flowers with a little Sew and Sow

Making flowers out of felt is a great no-sew project and you can use them to make a floral wreath, some beautiful bunting or add them to gifts and other craft projects.  I recently shared this as a live craft club and thought you might like to see a written-up version.  You absolutely don’t have to make them in the same colours that I have but I have included the colours below so you can identify them in the above picture.  Please share photos of yours with me on Instagram @alittlesewandsow   

You will need:

Felt (special packs for this project can be ordered here)

Glue (ideally a hot glue gun but a tube of glue that will stick felt will be fine)

Paper and fabric scissors

Buttons (included in the pack above)


Carnation (blue)

Cut a piece of your chosen coloured felt 9inches long by 2inches wide.  Fold in half, length ways and glue together.  

Take your fabric scissors and cut small slits into the felt all the way along the folded edge.  You will need to cut to about half way down the felt.

Starting at one end, roll the felt up along the long edge, periodically securing with glue.  Once finished ensure the end is secure and gently use your fingers to splay out the petals.  

Daisy (pink)

Cut three flowers shapes from the above template or if you don’t have a printer just draw your own!  

Stack all three pieces on top of each other, staggering the position to add fullness to the petals.  Secure each layer with glue (in the middle) and finish with a button or bead.  

Ranunculus (purple)

Cut one circle of felt in either a four- or six-inch size.  These are the two largest sizes on the template sheet.  If you can’t print that, go hunting in your kitchen for dishes, mugs etc. that are about the right size.  As long as it is a circle, the exact size doesn’t really matter.  

Carefully cut a spiral into the circle, right the way to the middle. 

Starting at the middle, roll the felt around on itself, gluing periodically to secure.  

Ensure the outside end is firmly glued.  

Rose (yellow)

Cut three circles, 3inches in diameter.  This is the smallest circle on the template or you can find a small cup or a glass that is about the correct size.  

Take one circle and fold in half and then into quarters and secure with glue.  This will create a cone shape with a swirl inside.  

Repeat for the other two pieces.

Glue all three pieces together with all of the points meeting.  The bottom should look like this:

Carefully tease out all of the petals to finish the rose.

Meet Molly, kids club sewing tutor

Hi, I’m Molly and I teach the children’s sewing club every first Saturday of the month at Millie Moon. You’ll also find me teaching workshops during the school holidays too!


We have a new summer offer for 2017 – You can now buy 3 sewing club classes for only £24! Call 01373 464437 to book this special offer (not available online)



In July we will be creating butterfly applique pictures, in August we be making felt scotty dog toys and in September fox cushions.


In October children can come along and make as many different animal badges as they can in the 2-hour sewing class.  I am already designing new patterns for the 6-week summer holiday, Halloween, Christmas and the 2018 children’s sewing club!

Most recently I have been designing a bumble bee toy with lovely big wings and a spotty ladybird for children to make in the summer holidays.



I’ve also been making a scary spider toy for October half term and felt christmas decorations for the November sewing club, which will include snowmen, hearts, Christmas puddings and shiny star decorations.



I have lots more planned for my 2018 sewing club, including a lion cushion, an octopus toy, a bunny bag and a big crazy monster.


To see what I’ve been designing and keep up to date with my latest workshops, check out my Molly’s Captivating Crafts Facebook Page.



When I’m not teaching and designing for my sewing club, I enjoy making things for my niece and nephew in Australia. I made some felt food for my niece’s play kitchen, a little owl handbag and some animals for her dolls house.



I also enjoy making cushions with the lovely fabrics from Millie Moon’s shop. The photograph below shows the cushion I made for my dinning room chair.



In my spare time I also love to knit. I bought some gorgeous purple wool a few weeks ago and I have started to knit myself a jumper, hopefully it will be finished in time for the winter!


Our kids summer offer ends on the 25th of August, so don’t forget to book before the deadline ends!


Molly x


For more information on the kids club or any of the workshops at Millie Moon please contact us.













Kids Club age 7+

Did you know that “Mollys captivating crafts”, run a Saturday kids club here at Millie Moon.

On the 1st Saturday of every month, Molly takes a group of children age 7+ and teaches them simple sewing techniques such as sewing on a button. These felt projects are completed in the two hour session and each month there is something new to make. Cost is £10 but keep a look out for special offers.

Contact us for more information

01373 464437