This is a free patternless tutorial for a net petticoat with an elasticated waist, perfect to be worn under the new Anna Vickery Sewing Patterns For Children’s Clothing Childs Rock n Roll dress, or Childs Party Dress.
15cm cotton fabric (115cm wide)
1m25cm of dress net (150cm wide)
50cm of ½” wide elastic
Matching thread
Sewing machine/iron
Pins/safety pin
Cutting board/metal ruler/tape measure
Scissors/tailors chalk/rotary cutter
Step 1: Cut – With the width of the fabric folded in half, cut a 15cm long strip from the cotton fabric for the waistband and 4 equal lengths of dress net (see table below for net lengths.) A cutting board with metric markings, metal ruler and rotary cutter make this quick and easy, but if you don’t have them this can be done with a ruler, chalk and scissors.
Net Lengths:
Age 1-2 = 24.5cm x4
Age 2-3 = 26cm x4
Age 3-4 = 27cm x4
Age 4-5 = 28cm x4
*If you use these lengths the petticoat will not show under the dress – if you want the hem of the petticoat to show make the net lengths longer*
Step 2: Press folds in waistband – While to waistband is flat press a double fold using an iron of 1cm, then 3cm at the top for the elastic and 1cm, then another 1cm at the bottom for the hem.
Step 3: Back seam – Because the back seam edges of the waistband are the ‘selvedge’ edges of the fabric they do not need finishing (handy!) Open out the pressed folds at the ends of the waistband and join the ends with right sides together, pin and sew using a 2cm seam allowance. Press the back seam open and the folds back in place.
Step 4: Stitch waistband – Machine stitch around the folds on the waistband. Stitch close (3-5mm) to the inside folded edges. Leave a gap in the stitching of 2cm on the top section for the elastic to go through.
Step 5: Attach net – I find it useful to mark the waistband into quarters with pins so I know what space each 150cm long piece of net has to fit into. Machine sew the net straight onto the waistband hem in a single layer, gathering up the net by hand as you go along, the edge of the net should be about 1cm above the hem on the right side and the stitch line should be in the same place as on the hem. When you get to the next waistband quarter/150cm piece of net overlap the net pieces by 5cm so you can’t see the join.
Step 6: Insert elastic in waistband – Attach 1 end of the elastic to a large safety pin and pin the other end to the waistband near the 2cm gap in the stitching. Slide the safety pin into the top fold and pull the elastic through the channel, gathering up the waistband cotton fabric as the elastic works along. Once the safety pin reaches the gap in the stitching again pull it out, adjust the elastic to fit the childs waist measurement, knot the elastic ends together, trim off any excess and sew the gap closed.
Step 7: Decorate – Trim the petticoat with ribbon, lace, ric-rack or bobble trim. You could also add bows or ribbon roses, the petticoat will be so pretty it could be worn on its own with leggings or under a handmade dress made from an Anna Vickery pattern.