Black Friday 20% off and free P&P

So, its nearly here. A weekend where all the big shops offer silly discounts and long opening hours!

As a little independent fabric shop, we can’t offer these crazy deals but we would like to help you with your Christmas Shopping if we can.

So this weekend we will be offering 20% off all ONLINE  purchases and free postage. * excludes workshops

There will be a few in store special offers for those of you who live close enough to visit.

We have sewing kits, Christmas fabrics, and lots of lovely handmade items by local makers.

So sit at home with a cuppa or pop to Frome and say Hi, and escape the madness of city shopping!

Discount code:  BFMM2017

*Offer from 6am friday 24th November 2017 to midnight on Monday 27th November 2017 inclusive

New Patchwork and Quilting classes with Kelly for 2018

Learn to Quilt


As we are now marching on into November and I thought I would skip right ahead to 2018! Have you thought about your goals for the New Year yet? I am already turning my thoughts to them and they include more quality family time, more quilting and less DIY! Well, if you are thinking you would like to learn to quilt or develop your quilting skills then now might be a good time to think about it. I will be teaching some quilting workshops at Millie Moon and thought I would share the details with you. A workshop booking or a gift voucher also make a fab present if you know someone else who might like to have a go at quilting



Here is a little summary of my workshops at the beginning of 2018:


Quilting Masterclasses

I will be running a series of short masterclasses in quilting. There are three dates in the series and you can either book for one session (£25) or we are offering a discount if you book all three (£65 for all). These will take place on a Thursday between 10.30 and 12.30. On 25 January I will be teaching participants to use a rotary cutter, cut patchwork pieces and sew them together. On 1 February I will show quilters how to put together the three layers of a quilt and then different quilting techniques. Finally on 8 February I will be teaching you how to cut, make and attach binding. This is something that I think frequently stops people from actually finishing a quilt so why not come and learn how to finish that precious make!



Quilted Cushion Cover

On Saturday 27 January I am re-running my popular quilted cushion cover workshop. Quilters will learn to cut patchwork pieces, construct the top of the cushion, quilt a simple design and finish a beautiful cushion cover.

Mini Quilt

On Saturday 24 February I am running a new workshop where participants will make a mini quilt. This is an opportunity to start and finish a quilt all in one day and learn all of the basic skills you will need to go on and make a bigger quilt at home. This will include cutting, piecing, quilting and binding.


And if you can’t wait until 2018 why not join me on 25 November 2017 to make a quilted Christmas stocking.  BOOK NOW