me made may 2019


It’s that time again and this year Millie Moon has decided to get involved.

Millie Moon is asking you all, whether you have bought fabric, a pattern, a button or attended a workshop to shout about it! Show your work on instagram/facebook using the hashtags and be in with a chance to win a £25 gift voucher!

All you have to do is:

  • Share your makes on instagram in MAY.
  • Tag us @milliemoonshop so we can see the post
  • Tag a friend so they can get involved too
  • Use #memademay2019
  • Use #makewithmilliemoon

We will pick our favourite each week in May and send you a £25 gift voucher to spend on your next make! 4 vouchers to win!

We even got some fab badges from @koolKactus for you to buy £2 so you can shout about it some more!



So what is it? For those of you who haven’t taken part before then here are the details from

So, what’s it all about?

It’s that time of year when our instagram feeds are filled with handmade goodness for #memademay and this year marks the 10th year of the popular makers challenge. If you’re new to Me Made May, get ready to join a huge community of fellow sewists!

Me-Made-May (or #memademay2019 as it’s also known on instagram) is an annual challenge for people who make their own clothes, launched by blogger and maker Zoe EdwardsSo, Jo.

The idea is to encourage makers to develop a better relationship with their handmade wardrobe, by asking them to pledge to rethink how they wear their garments throughout the month of May.

It doesn’t matter if you’ve only made one skirt ever or have a wardrobe bursting at the seams – everyone can set their own individual pledge. The challenge aims to get you to wear your me-mades more often and more thoughtfully – to learn some useful lessons about yourself, your style, your body, your creativity along the way.

What started as a solo project has grown into an annual phenomenon, with sewists, knitters, crocheters and refashioners all wearing their handmade wardrobes with pride. If you like the sound of it, it’s not too late to sign up for the 2019 challenge. Remember this is not a photography competition – or an instagram photo challenge – so don’t be daunted!

Your pledge can be as simple or tricky as you want it to be, but it’s a great opportunity to move beyond your comfort zone or level up how you wear the garments you have spent hours crafting.

The goal should be to think about your relationship with what you create.