
Meet Molly, kids club sewing tutor

Hi, I’m Molly and I teach the children’s sewing club every first Saturday of the month at Millie Moon. You’ll also find me teaching workshops during the school holidays too!


We have a new summer offer for 2017 – You can now buy 3 sewing club classes for only £24! Call 01373 464437 to book this special offer (not available online)



In July we will be creating butterfly applique pictures, in August we be making felt scotty dog toys and in September fox cushions.


In October children can come along and make as many different animal badges as they can in the 2-hour sewing class.  I am already designing new patterns for the 6-week summer holiday, Halloween, Christmas and the 2018 children’s sewing club!

Most recently I have been designing a bumble bee toy with lovely big wings and a spotty ladybird for children to make in the summer holidays.



I’ve also been making a scary spider toy for October half term and felt christmas decorations for the November sewing club, which will include snowmen, hearts, Christmas puddings and shiny star decorations.



I have lots more planned for my 2018 sewing club, including a lion cushion, an octopus toy, a bunny bag and a big crazy monster.


To see what I’ve been designing and keep up to date with my latest workshops, check out my Molly’s Captivating Crafts Facebook Page.



When I’m not teaching and designing for my sewing club, I enjoy making things for my niece and nephew in Australia. I made some felt food for my niece’s play kitchen, a little owl handbag and some animals for her dolls house.



I also enjoy making cushions with the lovely fabrics from Millie Moon’s shop. The photograph below shows the cushion I made for my dinning room chair.



In my spare time I also love to knit. I bought some gorgeous purple wool a few weeks ago and I have started to knit myself a jumper, hopefully it will be finished in time for the winter!


Our kids summer offer ends on the 25th of August, so don’t forget to book before the deadline ends!


Molly x


For more information on the kids club or any of the workshops at Millie Moon please contact us.













Kids Club age 7+

Did you know that “Mollys captivating crafts”, run a Saturday kids club here at Millie Moon.

On the 1st Saturday of every month, Molly takes a group of children age 7+ and teaches them simple sewing techniques such as sewing on a button. These felt projects are completed in the two hour session and each month there is something new to make. Cost is £10 but keep a look out for special offers.

Contact us for more information

01373 464437